It is a project co-funded by MIUR (PON FESR Calabria 2007/2013 "Azioni per il Potenziamento delle infrastrutture della rete Regionale dei Poli di Innovazione") aimed at the development of innovative processes and services supporting the early diagnosis of motor, behavioral and mnestic disorders in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's dementia.
The Neuromeasures project aims at creating innovative processes and support services for the early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's dementia and specific motor, behavioral and / or mnesic disorders that characterize these diseases.
The project is part of an innovative scientific context with the aim of integrating the current knowledge of biomarkers that help characterize the main clinical symptoms of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's dementia, with the knowledge deriving from modern neurosciences that propose new pathophysiological scenarios.
The creation of new behavioral prototypes and advanced neuroimaging, based on "Virtual Reality" technologies and "Data Fusion" methodologies and services, are aimed at extracting diagnostic information related to the diseases under study and re-elaborating the management of innovative processes for the early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's dementia.
Another goal of the project is developing new decision support services for the early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's dementia through the use of advanced computational tools, especially Machine Learning techniques. The expected outcome of this activity is an innovative product of notable relevance in clinical practice in terms of support tool in the processes of accurate and early diagnosis, based on the identification of new neuroimaging, behavioral and molecular markers.
The project is part of an innovative scientific context with the aim of integrating the current knowledge of biomarkers that help characterize the main clinical symptoms of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's dementia, with the knowledge deriving from modern neurosciences that propose new pathophysiological scenarios.
The creation of new behavioral prototypes and advanced neuroimaging, based on "Virtual Reality" technologies and "Data Fusion" methodologies and services, are aimed at extracting diagnostic information related to the diseases under study and re-elaborating the management of innovative processes for the early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's dementia.
Another goal of the project is developing new decision support services for the early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's dementia through the use of advanced computational tools, especially Machine Learning techniques. The expected outcome of this activity is an innovative product of notable relevance in clinical practice in terms of support tool in the processes of accurate and early diagnosis, based on the identification of new neuroimaging, behavioral and molecular markers.
Project Partners

Itaca S.r.l.
– Rende (Cs)The company offers integrated and customized IT business solutions in the field of applied research and logistics applications.

– MilanoParent company of a consolidated reality in the market of Management Consulting and Information & Communication Technology, able to aggregate skills and competences that offer to companies strategic solutions aimed at improving their business.

Infobyte@ S.p.A.
– RomaLeader for over twenty years in the design and implementation of virtual reality products for broadcasting and multimedia works for dissemination, communication and training.

Biotecnomed S.c.a r.l.
– Germaneto (Cz)With its 19 laboratories, 13 partners and 57 member companies is a highly specialized structure in the field of human health and biotechnology that offers advanced services to companies and research centers.

Istituto S. Anna S.r.l.
– CrotoneActive since 1996, it has achieved an important growth in a few years, not only in terms of clinical rehabilitation, but also in terms of scientific research.

Università degli Studi della Calabria
– Rende (Cs)Founded in 1972, it is divided into 14 Departments whose main aims are the organization and management of scientific research and educational activities in the following cultural areas: Engineering, Science, Pharmacy, Economics, Political, Social and Legal Sciences, Humanistic Sciences. Responsible for the research and development activities carried out by Unical is the Engineering Laboratory of Health Services Decisions - de_Health Lab ( of DIMEG (Dept. of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering).

Università degli Studi “Magna Graecia” di Catanzaro
– CatanzaroFounded in 1998 it is organized in three scientific faculties, Pharmacy, Medicine and Surgery, Motor Sciences, Psychology and Sociology, Jurisprudence and 6 Departments and numerous Research Centers.